
Showing posts from August, 2021

Simple and beautiful butterfly origami tutorial, let's try it!

 Teach everyone today Use two pieces of paper to make two different butterflies simple! nice! Easy to use Color origami butterfly Materials needed Various colors of colored paper, watercolor pens, scissors, Sealing wire (or hair root, ribbon), double-sided tape On two different colors of colored paper, Draw two circles, one large and one small, respectively. Cut two circles along the line. Fold the two circles into two small fans. After folding, be sure to fold the small fan in half. The sides of the two small fans are glued together with double-sided tape. Twist the two small fans together with a sealing wire. Open the butterfly's wings bigger, The antenna pendulum is more styling. A butterfly came out. Use your imagination to make more beautiful butterflies. Colorful version production process Draw a circle on a piece of paper, then paint your favorite color inside the circle, and finally cut it out (A) (B) Hairy Root Origami Butterflies materials needed Confetti of various color

DIY | Dried flowers and immortal flowers, handmade process, keep the beauty for 300 days

 Those who love flowers always want to keep the beauty of flowers forever. There are three common methods: making dried flowers, immortal flowers or embossing. These methods can be done daily. Let’s share the production process today. Those who are interested Flower friends can try~ Dried flower making Dried flowers, as the name suggests, is to dry and air-dry the flowers so that it will not rot so quickly. In order to maintain the best natural state of the flower branches, it is best to hang it upside down in a dry and ventilated position when it is still fresh, and the temperature is above 10 degrees. , The drier the better, which is conducive to rapid drying. If you don’t hang it upside down, but place it naturally in a bottle or lay it flat on the table to air dry, the flowers will wilt and wilt, and the shape after air drying will tend to hang, tilt or flatten your head, and you can’t adjust your posture after drying. , So hanging upside down is the best way. When it feels complet

DIY | The glass bottle is such a useful and beautiful creative material, it would be a pity to throw it away!

 Glass bottle is a particularly non-degradable material But it has its own practicality and beauty Under the light, the glass bottle even feels a bit radiant If the glass bottle can be used repeatedly Really turn waste into treasure Can lighten the burden on Mother Earth with a small amount of power Now more and more people are also aware of the importance of environmental protection Whether it’s daily food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc., or other Embed the concept of environmental protection deeply in my heart Everyone puts in a little bit, and they can gather great strength Let’s never throw them away, let’s do crafts 1 bottle painting What a romantic thing to paint on a bottle Only need to prepare acrylic paint and paintbrush You can make ordinary bottles Instantly become artistic and full of your personal style Whether it’s polka dot painting, abstract painting, rainbow painting You can paint as you like First base the bottle with white acrylic paint Then use cotton swabs